6 Key Reasons Why Home Staging is a Major Moneymaker for Property Investors

As a home staging company, we often work with investors who own homes they rent or sell.

In many cases, these investors are too busy to stage their homes themselves. They may not have the inventory to do so. Plus, there's an art to home staging! That's where we come in!

Home staging provides a fantastic return on investment for property investors. Let's explore how home staging can help attract better tenants, help sell a home for more money, and increase the appraisal value before refinancing a mortgage.


Reason #1: Home Staging is Cost Effective

One of the best things about home staging is that it's cost effective. You don't need to spend a lot of money to make a big impact.

A study by the Real Estate Staging Association found that home sellers who staged their home recovered 193% of their investment.

Home staging is also cheaper than other home improvement projects. For example, painting an entire home can cost thousands of dollars. Home staging only costs a fraction of that amount.

Home stagers are also experts at making the most of what you have. We know how to rearrange furniture and home decor to make a space look its best.

And if you don’t have the “right stuff” to truly maximize your space, professional home stagers carry an inventory of furniture, decor, lamps, lights, posters, art, etc. that elevate your space to a whole new level!


Reason #2: You Don't Need to Do it Yourself

Another great thing about home staging is that you don't need to do it yourself!

A professional home stager will take care of everything for you.

This is especially helpful if you're an investor with multiple properties. Home staging can be time consuming, and it's not easy to do yourself.

A professional home stager will come in, assess your property, and make a plan for how to best showcase your home.

We'll also bring in any furniture or home decor that you might need. You don't have to lift a finger!


Reason #3: Home Staging Is Proven to Work


It works! It really works!


Home staging is not only cost effective and convenient, but it’s also a proven concept.

A study by the National Association of Realtors found that 49% of buyers' agents said home staging made it easier for prospective buyers to see the home as a future home.

Another study found that 77% of buyers' agents said staging a home increased the dollar value offered by buyers by one to five percent.

Home staging is a proven way to make your home more attractive to prospective buyers or renters. If you're an investor, home staging can help you get the most out of your investment.

If you're interested in home staging for your investment property, contact us today! We would be happy to help you get started.


Reason #4: Home Staging for Investors is Key to Attracting Quality Tenants


Attract the Best Tenants with the Right Home Staging!


By home staging, you make your rental property more inviting and marketable. This will result in a higher chance of having potential tenants tour your rental and, in turn, lead to a decrease in the amount of time your property is vacant.

Not only does home staging for investors help with attracting quality tenants, but it also aids in increasing rental income.

A home that is staged will look well-cared for and updated, which will lead to the assumption that rent should be higher than an unstaged unit.

A well-staged home makes a great first impression on potential tenants. It shows that you're a professional who cares about your property. This first impression can go a long way in attracting quality tenants who will take care of your home.

Home staging can help increase your units rent by in some cases more than 20%.

So, not only does home staging save you time and money in the long run by having your unit rented out more quickly, but it also can lead to a higher return on investment through increased rental rates.


Reason #5: Home Staging can help you Sell your Home for More Money

Home staging, done correctly, provides a fantastic return on investment for property investors.

Home staging is all about creating an emotional connection with buyers. When buyers fall in love with your home, they're willing to pay top dollar for it.

We've seen time and time again how home staging can help homes sell for significantly more than their unstaged counterparts.


Reason #6: Home Staging can help you Increase the Appraisal Value before Refinancing a Mortgage


Get the most appraised value from the property via home staging!


If you're looking to refinance your home, home staging can help you get a higher appraisal value.

This is because home staging makes your home look more valuable than an unstaged home - even to a professional third party appraiser!

As a result, you'll be able to get a lower interest rate and the best value for your refinanced mortgage.


Home Staging is a Key Tool for any Savvy Investor

Home staging is a cost-effective way to get a great return on investment.

If you're an investor looking to attract quality tenants, sell your home for more money, or get a lower interest rate on your mortgage, home staging is the solution for you!

We hope you found this blog helpful.

If you have any questions about home staging, please don't hesitate to contact us. We'd be happy to chat with you about how home staging can help you achieve your goals.


Pre-Staging Checklist – Top 10 Tips for Preparing a Home to Sell before it’s ready to be Staged